Monday, 13 February 2012

What Do You Mean By Operating System? Explain Different Types Of Operating System?


Operating System Software (O.S) : An Operating System is a program designed to run other programs on a computer. A computer's operating system is its most important program. It is considered as trhe backbone of a computer managing both software and hardware device. Operating systems are responsible for each and everything from the control and allocation of memory to input from external devices and output to computer display.

An operating system also plays a vital role in security. Its job includes preventing unauthorized user from accessing the computer system

There various types of operating system are -
  1. General Purpose O.S
  2. Special Purpose O.S
  3. Batch Processing O.S
  4. Single Use O.S
  5. Multi-User O.S
  6. Multi-Programming O.S
  7. Multi-Processing O.S
  8. Multi-Threading O.S
  9. Real Time O.S
  10. Embedded O.S

1. General Purpose Operating System :
  • The operating system which is used for our general purpose like to identify the task those are running within our computer system.
  • The task may be like word processing, game, business application and development goals. (Example - Dos, Windows)

2. Special Purpose Operating System :
  • This type of operating system are not used in mutual programmes .
  • This type of operating system is used in programmes like washing machines, ATM's, DVD players, etc.

3. Batch Processing Operating System :
  • When the similar types of work or task of a series is executed one after another by the operating system is know as Batch Processing Operating System.
  • In batch processing operating system we execute the process in a sequential manner.
  • This operating system takes less time to perform the task with in our computer system.
  • This types of operating system are costly in comparison to general purpose operating system.
  • Batch processing operating system are ideal in situation where - There are large amount of data to be processed. - Similar data needs to be processed. - Similar processing is involved when executing the data. 

4. Single User Operating System :
  • Single user operating system suggest that one person can use or work with one computer at time.
  • This type of operating system is very simple and easy to understand.
  • The use of memory management within the computer is very easy.
  • For example - MS DOS is one type of single user operating system.

5. Muiti-User Operating System :
  • In multi-user operating system more than one user can interact with operating system.
  • All the resources are allocated in one computer system and more than one user can access a single computer at the same time.
  • If more than one user access a particular resources at the same time the operating system employs a policy to avoid the scenario.
  • This type of operating system are windows 2000/2003/UNIX etc.

6. Multi-Programming Operating System :
  • In this of operating system more than one programmes executed at the same time.
  • The programs that are running may belongs to one user or different user.
  • The operating system executed one by one instructions belonging to their corresponding program.
  • In this operating system all the instructions get small chunk of time to execute their task.
  • When one instruction time is finished then the operating system switching the time from one process to another process.
  • The switching occurs very fast so that we don't realize this.

7. Multi-Processing Operating System :
  • Some of the computers has more than one independent processors.
  • This type of independent process works in a co-ordinated manner.
  • The different programs used different processors.
  • This type of operating system is know as multi-processing operating system.
  • Hence more than one processing instruction are executed simultaneously or in parallel.
  • The main frame computers are used as the multi-processing operating system to share common memory and input and output.
  • The dual core and the core2duo are the computer system those are using as multi-processor in one ID.

8. Multi-Threading Operating System :
  • Threading means which contains a semi-processor with a definite staring point, and execution sequence and a terminating point will become to finish the processor.
  • A process is defined as a programming execution.
  • Each process has a staring point and a terminating point.
  •  The threads or semi-process doesn't have its own memory area and rather they share memory area and data with other threads.

9. Real Time Operating System :
  • The real time operating system is an operating system which is depend upon time limit.
  • It is very reliable and we get the output within a time limit.
  • Beyond the time limit we are not getting any response.
  • Example - Satellite launching system, Auto-pilot system, Weather perdition system are some of real time operating system.
  • The various types of real time operating system are - O.S 9 , VX Work, Real time Linux,Unix.

10. Embedded Operating System :
  • This type of operating system is used in embedded computer.
  • The embedded operating system are designed to work on small computers like - personal, digital, assistance, autonomous electronic device such as robot.

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